About Me

Hey Y'all! Welcome to my little space on the interwebs :) I'm Hannah, a 20-something year old believer in Christ living in North Carolina and a newlywed to my best friend! We exchanged vows on March 16, 2013, and are having the time of our lives figuring out this marriage thing together! It is so amazing when you look forward to getting married so much and then you finally are and get to work all of life out as "one"!

We both graduated from UNC-Charlotte and love showing support and love for our school! I work as an infant teacher at a daycare while I'm figuring out what I want to be "when I grow up." My husband, Greg, is working for Dole Fresh Vegetables and preparing to go to graduate school!  We love hiking, playing games, camping, and hanging out with all our friends!

I am a big fan of all things crafty and Southern! I could spend hours in Hobby Lobby and love making all kind of different things. I also am IN LOVE WITH sweet tea, mason jars, fried chicken, and a good Southern accent ;)

Greg and I have built our relationship on following Jesus Christ and on focusing our life on being Christ-like. We both love missions work and are always involved in helping in our church and community. It is so amazing how focusing on God has strengthened our relationship with each other and helped us grow as individuals to be better companions for one another.

Here on this blog you will find pretty much anything! I really wanted to have this space to document our adventures throughout marriage as well as inspire others by setting a Godly example of our journey through life together. I may occasionally post recipes, DIY projects, home decor, and other random crafty things.

Please stay a while and enjoy reading all about us!

Be Blessed <3


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