Wednesday, July 24, 2013

wednesday weigh-in #2

What a week it has been! I can't believe it's already Wednesday again. It's time for another Wednesday weigh-in. I've been so excited this week to finally be able to post this because I have been working hard to reach my weekly goals. Last week's goals were to lay off the chocolate, walk more, and drink less soda.

The hardest goal to reach was the chocolate. At work, our trainer keeps a bowl of chocolate at the front of the room. It is so tempting. I feel like it's screaming "eat me"! So needless to say, I had a hard time resisting. I'm going to include that for this week's goals and work a little harder to keep away.  

I'm also still having trouble staying away from sodas. I tend to get very tired about 2 o'clock so it seems convenient to get some caffeine in me to make it through the rest of the work day. I've got to figure out other ways to get energy though. I drink a lot of water, but I'm still sneaking in those sodas. 

My 3rd goal of this week was being more active and committing to walking at least 3 times this week. I'm so happy to say I achieved this goal! I actually went over and beyond and have gotten up and walked almost every morning this week. I've been trying to alternating walking and running in order to build up my stamina and get more of a workout. I HATE running, but I would really like to become a better runner.

So for my overall goal, I hoped to lose 2 pounds this week and **drum roll please**, I DID IT!!! I was so happy today when I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers! It's an awesome feeling to reach any goal, no matter how small. 

So for this coming week, I am hoping to lose 4 pounds. To do this I'm going to have to be more focused on reaching that goal and making healthy decisions.
  • Goal 1: NO chocolate, NO soda. This is obviously self explanatory, but the goal is to stay away from these 2 things as much as possible. I don't want to deprive myself forever from these things, but I want to focus on the discipline it will take to avoid chocolate and soda this week. I can do this!
  • Goal 2: Have healthy meals for lunch and dinner. It's so easy to come home after work and throw something together to eat, but more times than not it is unhealthy. This week I want to focus on making meals with more vegetables, lean meats, and less starches. 
  • Goal 3: Continue walking and running daily. DON'T GIVE UP! There are mornings when I want to just roll back over in bed and hit the snooze button, but I can't do that! I have to stay motivated and build up my stamina day by day. 
I CAN DO IT! I keep telling myself that every day, especially when I'm running. JUST KEEP GOING! It will totally be worth it!

Anyways, I will leave you with my favorite picture of the week: 

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