Thursday, May 16, 2013

Two Months Down, a Lifetime to Go

Yay! Today we are celebrating 2 months of wedded bliss! I can remember how I was feeling 2 months before the wedding and thinking that it was taking FOREVER to get here and now we have already been married for 2 months. I wanted to start doing a monthly update on the us and decided what better time then our "month-aversary" ;)


  • It is much harder than you would expect going into it. Although we are having the time of our lives, it has definitely involved some adjusting and getting used to being a married couple 
  • No matter how much advice married people give you, it will never prepare you for YOUR marriage! Every couple has to find what works best for them!
  • Having high expectations for each other SUCKS! It will only bring disappointment and frustration.
  • Although being with your husband all the time is awesome and well worth it, you have to make time for friends and activities outside of the home. 
  • Being able to come home to the person that you love more than any other human being makes it SO much easier to get through the day.
  • There is no greater feeling than making your husband smile and laugh, even if it involves cooking a big meal and cleaning it up after working 8 hours
  • Training and raising a dog is so much fun! It is so awesome to feel like we have accomplished something together by teaching our dog new tricks and training her :)
  • Being able to talk about anything with each other and having each other to feed off of, it has helped us both grow intellectually and challenge each other
  • Knowing that for the rest of my life I get to come home to the love of my life!
  • Hearing your husband pray over you, your marriage, and your future together…There is NOTHING better!
Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! It's almost the weekend!!

Be Blessed and Happy Blogging!

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